Friday Night Lights Wiki

Buddy Garrity Jr. (portrayed by Joey Truty as a child and Jeff Rosick as a teen) is a fictional character on the television series Friday Night Lights. He is the son of Buddy Garrity and Pam Garrity.

Personality and Traits[]



Main article: Buddy Jr.'s Relationships

Pam Garrity (Mother)[]

Main article:

Buddy Garrity (Father)[]

Main article:


Season 1
Pilot Debut/Uncredited
Eyes Wide Open Absent
Wind Sprints Absent
Who's Your Daddy? Absent
Git'er Done Absent
El Accidente Absent
Homecoming Absent
Crossing the Line Absent
Full Hearts Absent
It's Different for Girls Absent
Nevermind Absent
What to Do While You're Waiting Uncredited
Little Girl I Wanna Marry You Uncredited
Upping the Ante Uncredited
Blinders Absent
Black Eyes and Broken Hearts Absent
I Think We Should Have Sex Uncredited
Extended Families Appears
Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes Absent
Mud Bowl Absent
Best Laid Plans Appears
State Uncredited
Season 2
Last Days of Summer Appears
Bad Ideas Appears
Are You Ready for Friday Night? Appears
Backfire Appears
Let's Get It On Appears
How Did I Get Here? Absent
Pantherama! Absent
Seeing Other People Absent
The Confession Absent
There Goes the Neighborhood Appears
Jumping the Gun Absent
Who Do You Think You Are? Absent
Humble Pie Absent
Leave No One Behind Absent
May the Best Man Win Absent
Season 3
I Knew You When Absent
Tami Knows Best Absent
How the Other Half Lives Absent
Hello, Goodbye Absent
Every Rose Has Its Thorn Absent
It Ain't Easy Being J.D. McCoy Absent
Keeping Up Appearances Appears
New York, New York Absent
Game of the Week Absent
The Giving Tree Absent
A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall Absent
Underdogs Absent
Tomorrow Blues Absent
Season 5
Expectations Absent
On the Outside Looking In Absent
The Right Hand of the Father Mentioned
Keep Looking Appears
Kingdom Appears
Swerve Appears
Perfect Record Appears
Fracture Appears
Gut Check Appears
Don't Go Absent
The March Appears
Texas Whatever Appears
Always Final


Season One[]


Early seasons[]

He begins the series as a little kid. He's a minor character who only makes a few appearances. He moves to California with his mom and sister when Pam remarries. He and his sister Tabatha return for an episode to visit Buddy Sr. He acts quite snobbish towards his dad and constantly mentions Kevin, his step-dad, which causes Buddy to have a tirade. They makes amends near the end of the episode though.

Season 5[]

Pam sends him to Dillon after becoming rebellious. He is shown drinking heavily and his mom thinks that he's smoking marijuana. When he first arrives, he acts very rebellious and snobbish. He claims that East Dillon High is for an insane asylum, also stating that they "give shock therapy to people there." He also breaks into his dad's bar and drinks until he pukes. He later steals his dad's car and goes out to buy beer and his dad chases him down.

Buddy Sr. gets him to tryout and make the football team. At first, he is not very good, with even his dad saying "he was God awful tonight". However, he does develop into a good special teams player before he injures himself doing a Samoan war dance during football practice and chest bumping someone, which leads to conflict between Coach Crowley, Billy Riggins, and Buddy Garrity Sr.

8 months after the Lions win the State Championship, he makes the Panthers super-team.


