Wade Aikmen was originally JD McCoy's personal coach, hired by his father, Joe McCoy. When Mac McGill got sick, he was elected to interim offensive coordinator for the Dillon Panthers. Later on, Coach Taylor gets ejected from a playoff game and Wade takes over leading the Panthers to a come from behind victory. This gets him much praise from radio commentators and Panther fans. Then, he and Joe McCoy plotted to steal the head coach job from Eric Taylor. They go around and recruit players for the Panthers without telling coach Taylor. Thanks to Joe McCoy's wealth and influence, Wade becomes head coach of the Dillon Panthers for the 2009 season when Taylor's contract runs out. Joe McCoy wants him over Taylor, because Aikmen's play calling will focus more around Joe's son J.D. and he knows J.D. will start every game. Wade differs from Taylor as he is often seen driving around in a golf cart during practice, and constantly gives Buddy Garritty the cold shoulder. Wade ultimately fails as the Panther's new coach as they lose to Taylor's East Dillon Lions in the final game of the season and miss the playoffs. Wade and the McCoys leave Dillion the following year.